In this 30-minute video, three Impax experts share their insights into the fundamental drivers accelerating a transition to clean energy and discuss the important role for technologies that can store and transform electricity generated by renewables. They also outline what they believe it will take for clean electricity to emerge as the backbone of a cheaper and more efficient energy system.

For CE credit from the CFP Board, please watch the video and read this whitepaper. Once completed, you can take the quiz from Asset TV here.

Nothing presented herein is intended to constitute investment advice and no investment decision should be made solely based on this information.  Nothing presented should be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell a particular type of security or follow any investment technique or strategy.  Information presented herein reflects Impax Asset Management’s views at a particular time.  Such views are subject to change at any point and Impax Asset Management shall not be obligated to provide any notice.  Any forward-looking statements or forecasts are based on assumptions and actual results are expected to vary.  While Impax Asset Management has used reasonable efforts to obtain information from reliable sources, we make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of third-party information presented herein.  No guarantee of investment performance is being provided and no inference to the contrary should be made.

The transition will not be televised – Part 1

By Charlie Donovan – 31st October 2022

Charlie Donovan, Senior Economic Advisor, sets out Impax’s views on the prospects for clean power in the US as solar and wind are poised to play fast-growing roles in electricity generation

The transition will not be televised – Part 2

By Charlie Donovan, Julie Gorte, Ph.D. – 20th April 2023

In the latest instalment of this series, we discuss the prospects for emerging technologies that can store and transform clean electricity

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