You have selected to open a Pax World Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA). Before completing the Coverdell ESA account application, please read the Prospectus and the Agreement carefully and then choose one or more of the Pax World investment options. Investors may contribute to mutual funds for their Coverdell ESA accounts using either the Investor or Class A shares.

Download Documents:

Upon receipt of your completed application and initial contribution, Pax World will mail you a confirmation with your account number and the number of shares purchased. If you have any questions, or need assistance completing the Coverdell Education Savings Account Application, please contact Shareholder Services at 800.372.7827, Monday – Friday 8:00AM-6:00PM ET.

Important Notice for Investors:

All accounts in Class A shares, which are available in the Impax US Sustainable Economy, Small Cap, High Yield Bond and Global Environmental Markets funds must be opened through an investment advisor, approved broker/dealer or other financial intermediary.

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To get started, please select your location and investor type below.

If you are invested in Impax Funds – regardless of share class (Investor, Institutional, or Class A) or account type (individual, business or other entity) please select Impax Funds Investor as your Investor Type.

Access Impax Asset Management Limited’s Form CRS here.

Important Information

I confirm that my investor role is [investor_type] and I am based in [investor_country] and I have read and understood the important information, privacy policy and terms and conditions which govern the use of this website.

Risk Warning

Capital at risk. The value of investments may go up or down and is not guaranteed.