In our fifth annual Engagement and Policy Advocacy report, we summarise our activities in 2021 and outline our focus areas looking ahead.

Realising change often demands patience and persistence. Impax is committed to helping companies and policymakers navigate the transition to a more sustainable economy and, in so doing, mitigate risks and enhance opportunities for our clients. Engagement and policy advocacy are essential parts of our toolkit.

In this year’s report, we summarise the outcomes of our engagements with companies in 2021 and highlight the core issues that we continued to focus on, namely:

  • Climate change
  • Environmental issues such as pollution and resource depletion
  • Human capital issues such as diversity, equity, inclusion, environmental justice, and health and safety
  • Corporate governance

We also outline shareholder proposals that we filed or co-filed in 2021 as well as the outcomes of our proxy voting activities. Interviews discuss which areas we will continue to focus on in our long-term engagement work and why human capital has risen to the top of the engagement agenda.

* Positive outcomes are classified as “progress achieved” or “milestone achieved” as assessed by Impax against engagement objectives.

This year’s report also includes an enhanced focus on Impax’s policy advocacy work, through which we aim to support policymakers in the creation of enabling environments which will accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy.

In 2021, our policy advocacy work continued to focus on financing net zero, greening the financial
system, and nature and biodiversity loss. In the run-up to the COP26 climate summit, Impax actively contributed to commitments and calls to action that were announced in Glasgow, including the emergence of coalitions committing to ambitious action in key areas.

There is undoubtedly a growing sense of urgency towards addressing the environmental and social challenges facing the planet and its people. We continue to work to help address these challenges and improve our pricing of risks through engagement and policy advocacy activities, which we are delighted to report on here.

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