Impax aspires to best practices across all aspects of the management of its listed and private equity investments. Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) considerations are embedded within our rigorous ten step investment process for listed equities. Failure by a company to reach the required ESG score will prevent our investment.

Impax engages with investee companies and undertakes long term engagement to improve practice and disclosure across their governance and sustainability activities. We view proxy voting as a key activity in the ongoing dialogue with companies in which we invest. We are committed to ensuring the consistent exercise of voting rights associated with shares held in investment mandates where proxy voting has been delegated to us. Impax supports the UK Stewardship Code and complies with its guidelines regarding proxy voting and engagement. 


PRI reporting is the largest global reporting project on responsible investment. The Transparency Report summarizes responses provide to PRI by Impax Asset Management. The Assessment Report provides PRIs scores based on the provided information. These reports were published in 2023 based on the 2023 reporting period. Full methodology available at Reporting & assessment resources | PRI. Impax Asset Management provided compensation in connection with obtaining and using the provided ratings.

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