Kristin Reynolds

Senior Consultant, NEPC

Kristin leads NEPC’s endowment and foundation practice, where she specializes in Total Enterprise Management; asset allocation and portfolio construction; modeling and implementation of spending-based asset allocation studies; and evaluation and selection of alternative investment managers.

She is a member of the Partners’ Research Committee, which sets direction for firm research.

Kristin developed a model for Total Enterprise Management (TEM) that integrates the short-term operational needs of an organization with its long-term goals. TEM is an extension of Kristin’s “Spending in an Integrated Asset Liability Framework” whitepaper, which discusses the model that analyzes the spending requirements of endowment and foundation clients.

Before joining NEPC, Kristin worked at Citigroup Asset Management, specializing in executive compensation structures for large corporate clients. Prior to her investment career, she worked as a loan service officer at a community cooperative bank.

Kristin earned an MBA from Simmons Graduate School of Management and a BA in finance and economics from Simmons University. She is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society and the CFA Institute. Kristin became a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) designee in 2008.

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